The Tarot suit of wands represents computers as information processors. Computers encode, decode, and transform information. The ninth card in a Tarot suit is perfection restored: having descended and knocked through through eight other forms, the quality of the suit is now in final balance with the rest of the universe. For encoding and decoding, the ninth stage in the story of encoding and decoding is the identifier - Hash codes and pointers and addresses and indexes and primary keys, they are all the name that stands for the thing.
A name is a perfect code, meaning exactly the thing it means and nothing else. In computing, often the name and the thing named are indistinguishable or the name of a thing inheres in the thing itself. We can look things up with identifiers, use them as passwords or as proof. If two things have the same name, then they are the same thing.
What are the gates and borders in your system that require names? What is the universe of naming? What attributes are part of the identities of your system, and what is incidental to identity?